Wednesday 23 September 2020

Collage Animal's

  to day we were doing Animal Collage artI enjoyed painting it because it was fun in class.
i found it hard to do the collage because there was a lot of glue.
i enjoyed I enjoyed painting it because it was fun.
next time i think i don't think i need to do anything better.

Information Report Poster


today i was learning about how to make a Information Report Poster.
I enjoyed choosing my topic to do it on because i like Orca.
i found nothing  hard because it was all easy,
Next time i will do more slides because there's only one.  

photo collage


today i was learning  how to make a photo collage to make my blog tidier.
i enjoyed posting it to my blog because i go to say what i was doing.
next time i don't think i need to do anything better.
i found it hard to pout the photos onto the collage because it toke a long time.

Chinese Language week


this week was Chinese Language week at are school.
i enjoyed making the slide because i got to use the translate to mandarin link.
i found it difficult to choose the words to translate because there was a lot to choose from.
Next time i don't think i need to do anything better.

Faith poster


            today we were learning about faith and how to make a poster about it.
I enjoyed making the poster because i got to draw, and i love drawing.
I didn't find anything hard because it was easy.
Next time i think i could get a better photo because you can't read the whiting.  



today we were taking videos of are speeches.
i enjoyed videoing my speech because i got to go outside.
 i found it hard to say  y speech because i was nervous.
next time i will take a better video because it was not good quality.

Orcinus Orca

 The Orcinus orca is one of the biggest members in the dolphin family. They also swim in pods mostly of 40. They are also known as the king of the sea. They also weigh up to 6 tons(5,443 kilograms).

Orca are black and white. They have huge teeth to catch fish and other things. They have a flexible tail and they have fins like dolphins. They look a bit like magpies and are cheeky like them too. Orca don't have normal ears like we do, they have echolocation. So they can connect with their friends and their pods. Orcas also have brilliant eye sight to see their prey. 

Orca live worldwide in the ocean. Sometimes offshore and in cold water and Antarctic water too. Most of the time they live in tropical places with dark blue seas and sometimes in clear waters.

Orca are carnivores. They like to eat seals, fish and squid. They have to come up for air like dolphins and they can hold their breath for a long long time. Orca have a motion of swimming up and down like whales.

Orcas need to be protected because they were around when the dinosaurs lived on earth. They are one of the kings of the sea and I think that they need to be looked after.


today i was learning about how to write a creature report.

I enjoyed choosing the topic because i got to do do my favorite animal which is an Orca.

i found it hard to find the facts about them because i didn't know that much.

Next time i don't think i can do anything better.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

3 sacraments of initiation

                                     today i was learning the 3 sacraments of initiation at school.

                                    i enjoyed making it because i got to used wevideo.

                                      i found it hard to to right the  script because i had to 

                                        learn the 3 sacraments of  initiation.

                                     next time i think we could add what the sacraments ment.


Monday 21 September 2020

CST meaning

today i was learning about what CST mens.

i found it hard to research what CST is because i had to read about it.

i enjoyed making the slide because i liked choosing the background.

next time i think i could do more slides because i didn't get time 

Monday 14 September 2020

Dolphins are endangered


I was learning how to right a speech in class

I enjoyed writing my speech because I liked convincing people to save dolphins.

I found it hard to research the facts because I had to research them.

I don't think I can do anything better.

Haven't you always longed to see majestic dolphins jumping through the crystal clear water? Well I have and have even been lucky enough to see them in real life, in England. Dolphins habitat is becoming more crowded by boats, they are hunted in Japan and they are getting tangled in fishnets.  They are the most amazing animal in the ocean and I believe we need to act now and save these unique creatures. 

According to the department of conservation New Zealand is the marine capital of the world. There are 42 species of whales and dolphins in NZ.  Dolphins swim in pods mostly of 40 with there family but sometimes they are separated from their pods by fishing boats. Dolphins love to jump close to boats and swim underneath them, although this would be amazing it can be dangerous for the dolphins sometimes. I strongly urge you to be aware of dolphins when on a motor boat. If you see a pod of dolphins it is best to keep your speed to a minimum and no wake allowed within 300 meters of the pod.  So  please make sure you approach dolphins slowly and with care. 

Secondly, Hunting dolphins is not okay. Japan hunts and kills dolphins for food. It is pretty brainless as you will get poisoned by their meat. It contains mercury that is not meant to be eaten. I think that people should stop killing dolphins for their meat because it is harsh and unintelligent. 

Finally, when people go fishing their fishing nets go in the dolphins path and they get tangled in it. Imagine getting taggeld and struggling to get out and seeing your whole pod swimming off without you. When they get caught they get stuck because they can’t swim. They can't catch any food. They can’t go up for air. So they struggle and eventually die. This is torture. They are innocent creatures and they deserve to live an enjoyable life.

In conclusion, there is no question that dolphins need to be saved. Their habitats are becoming more crowded by boats, they are hunted in Japan and they are getting tangled in fishnets. We need to think about what we are doing and every move we take. Dolphins are very smart but many are becoming or are already endangered, so we need to act now. The sea and the animals that live in it is one of God’s greatest given gifts so we need to protect the ocean and its creatures. 

Success Criteria:

Self Assessment😀😀😀😀

I have used my first technique to enhance my writing


I have used my second technique to enhance my writing


I have used my third technique to enhance my writing


Use at least three different (FEARRR) persuasive techniques in your writing.
